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Angelica Lopez
Case Manager
Non-Profit Organization

"The Re-energize & Empowerment session with Dr. Moodhitaporn has helped me develop into a more professional and attentive case manager. Although I pride myself in being professional, dedicated, and attentive, Dr. Moodhitaporn has shown me techniques to pay even closer attention and more importantly understand my clients in times of need. When dealing with an overwhelming situation at work, Dr. Moodhitaporn ensures I feel it is a space where I can feel comfortable to speak of the issues I face knowing it is confidential. I am confident Dr. Moodhitaporn’s Re-energize & Empowerment session has helped me become a stronger case manager and find better resolutions to issues that will in turn, assist clients positively in the best way possible."

Samantha Cano

"Pam has provided me the tools to be able to become more focused and dedicated in my work all while learning to do self-care via the Academy session. Working with vulnerable communities takes an emotional and physical toll that can affect both personal and professional life. Pam has been committed to assist in helping separate both personal and professional in a safe way via the PAM Model and Academy session that reminds me to take a step back, analyze, and ensure we are confident in our decisions. Pam has been able to help me evolve my communication skills, leadership skills, and crisis intervention. I am forever grateful for the supervisions."

Annie T.
Financial Manager

"I reached out to Dr. Pam when I needed to make an important decision in my career and was under a lot of pressure. Via Dr. Pam’s Breakthrough Level session, she helped me identify my fears, resolve using PAM Model techniques I could apply to all aspects both professional and personal in my life, and transform into a more confident person. Dr. Pam’s sessions are so valuable to me, I cannot thank her enough for guiding me."

Tammy Marashlian, MSW
 Program Manager

"Dr. Moodhitaporn has provided me guidance on numerous challenging cases over the last few years. She is extremely trustworthy and knowledgeable of clinical interventions that best serve our most high-need cases. She does an excellent job of examining each individual case while looking at the overall strengths and needs of the person."

Erika Lopez

"Pam has changed my life!! Working with immigrant families within the United States is not an easy task given the various physical and emotional situations they have experienced throughout their lives. Family reunification consists of dealing with many obstacles which at times, have made me feel disoriented, without energy, and overwhelmed. Being able to count on Pam Moodhitaporn’s Academy session using the PAM Model has been a huge relief because after each session I feel capable of continuing my work of helping others."

Department Manager

"I met Dr. Pam when my company wanted to promote me as a department manager.  At first, I was not sure meeting with her to take the A List Exclusive’s Executive Level session would help me, but I was wrong! Only after one session, I know why I needed to see her. Through self-reflection and learning to balance my professional and personal life, I discovered so much about myself and why I was stuck in life. I remember that I did not want to end the meeting with her and when I walked out of the room I already looked forward to come back to see her again."


"Dr. Pam’s Breakthrough session has completely changed my outlook and way I live my life on a day-to-day basis. Dr. Pam makes me feel like I am not judged and that it’s a safe space where I can be open about my fears and learn to break my comfort zone. Since starting the breakthrough session, Dr. Pam used the PAM Model that helped go beyond the surface into the depths of my childhood and is helping me identify my triggers, giving me tools via therapy to resolve them, and transform them into a positive matter. Thanks to Dr. Pam, I am a person that can now recognize my anxiety, nervousness, and past life traumas/triggers. I have and am learning each day how to forgive others and myself. I am still a work in progress, but I know that continuing the Breakthrough session followed by the Pick Me Up - After Care Services with her, I will leave with more knowledge, peace, and self-confidence."

Non-Profit Organization
Human Resources Department

"We hired A List Vision because of the PAM Model’s structure. We can tell right from start that Pam is very knowledgeable and always communicates with her clients in the professional way. I would recommend

A List Vision’s services to anyone who needs a transformation and a more thriving environment in their business."

Marketing Department

"My job is very stressful and when I burned out I counted on Dr. Pam's session.  I am looking forward to every Peace of Mind session with Dr. Pam. Using continuous in depth sessions, she has made an impact to my professional and personal life."

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